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Here are some tutorial slides that R.K.Owen has created. They can best be viewed with a FRAMEs capable browser such as Netscape 2.0 or higher.
  • bchop - a debugging tool to isolate which compilations units are adversely affected by compiler options.
    (Or view all the slides collected together for non-FRAMEs capable browsers.)
  • robj - describes several tools for non-invasive monitoring of library usage (libmon & libuse, or "invasive" monitoring with the tool robj for modifying a Cray object file for run-time logging. Also describes some associated tools: libq, libdate, f77head, and alldoc.
    (Or view all the slides collected together for non-FRAMEs capable browsers.)
  • Mixing Fortran77 & C - A quick tutorial and some example code to take advantage of the power of each language.
    (Or view all the slides collected together for non-FRAMEs capable browsers.)
  • Thoughts on the Fortran 90 programming model - Some examples and discussion regarding the newer parts of the Fortran 90 language.
  • Short tutorial on make - useful tool for managing software projects.

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/howto/slides/index.html