(Dr.R.K.) HOWTO - index

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Guess what? We've all had to go through some discovery process to solve a problem or two. If the work is significant enough (or not intuitively obvious) why not write it up so others can benefit from your work. This is exactly what I've done here. These "how to"s represent some of the steps I've had to go through to accomplish some task I needed to do. Of course, I make no guarantees as to the correctness of the steps (things change) or the information. I may make some assumptions about your knowledge level and if what I write may seem unintelligible to you then maybe you should check out a book or learn more about the topic from either other webpages. Please don't email me to help you out!

However, I do appreciate any feed-back that will help to clarify, correct, or improve the contents of these "how to"s. If you have some information that should be included in these pages then send me email.


  • Mixing Fortran and C
  • Helpful Tips on using the macro language m4
  • Using Netlib to get math & numerical software
  • Handy guide on emailing to/from some of the popular online services from/to an Internet address
  • Adding a new user to your UN*X (or Linux) machine
  • Setting up anonymous ftp on your machine
  • Burning a CD
  • Registering your home machine in the US domain (e.g. owen.sj.ca.us) The details apply directly to the San Jose area ... but similar procedures exist elsewhere
  • Compiling and installing a new Linux Kernel
  • Installing Ubuntu on a Sony Vaio laptop
  • Brief guide on how to use CVS
  • Short overview of SQL92 syntax (also with Oracle and some common extensions)
  • A basic computing tutorial (using JavaScript)
  • Pointer to other Linux related HOWTO's (may be very slow)
    (Mirror site)
  • R.K.'s method of authoring Web pages
  • Special Topics


    R.K. Owen has written some articles for publication in various places. Go to the index for a list of them.

    Tutorial Slides

    R.K. Owen has also written some tutorial slides used for talks & seminars he has given. Go to the index for a list of them.

    Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
    This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/howto/index.html