(Dr.R.K.) HOWTO - Netlib

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How to use NETLIB

  • email
  • World Wide Web
  • anonymous ftp
    `netlib' started primarily as a mail server that distributes math software through email. Further information can be obtained from netlib site at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory by invoking mail at your system prompt (%).

      % mail netlib@ornl.gov
      send index

    It's a mail server program that parses the email message so you don't need to be polite ... shorter the better. Also if your request is in UPPER-CASE it will send the math software in UPPER-CASE.

    An alternate netlib server is netlib@research.att.com - it contains much of the same material as netlib@ornl.gov plus some AT&T developed codes such as f2c (Fortran to C converter). This netlib can also be accessed by `anonymous' ftp. Give "netlib" as the username and your email address (for good netiquette) as the password.
    Another netlib server is netlib@unix.hensa.ac.uk, which is at the University of Kent in England ... so expect long delays. However, it also allows anonymous ftp for some of the larger packages. Here are some others:

    •  netlib@nac.no			Oslo, Norway 
    •  netlib@draci.cs.uow.edu.au	UofWollongong, Australia 

    Netlib can be accessed by the World Wide Web (WWW) with the following Uniform Resource Locators (URLs) Your web browser will have options for loading to disk when clicking on a hypertext link. Remember to unset this option when travelling elsewhere.
    Netlib can be accessed directly via anonymous ftp from the following sites:
    • ftp.netlib.org
    • netlib.att.com
    • www.hensa.ac.uk
    • www.netlib.no
    example of an anonymous ftp session with your response in <<...>> If you're not familiar with ftp ... look at the man page.
      % ftp ftp.netlib.org
      Connected to ftp.netlib.org.
      Name (ftp.netlib.org:YOURUSERNAME): <<anonymous>>
      331 Guest login ok, send your complete e-mail address as password.
      Password: <<your username@host.domain>>

    Note that some of the larger packages (e.g. lapack, xnetlib, etc.) are only available (as a whole) only by anonymous ftp or the WWW.

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/howto/netlib.html