(Dr.R.K.) bchop Utility - Collected Slides

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1 Title bchop Utility - Title


National Energy Research Scientific Computer Center

One Cyclotron Road
Berkeley, CA 94720




"So Optimization Breaks Your Code ..."

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1.1 Abstract bchop Utility - Abstract


"So Optimization Breaks Your Code ..."


Many compiler options can have an adverse affect on a code. Most notably, various levels of optimization can "break" a code, such that the program gives erroneous results. One option is to compile for the lowest common denominator. The other option is to identify which routines are adversely affected. The local utility, bchop performs a binary chop between object files in two directories (./good and ./bad) compares the output and isolates which object files are causing the differences in output. This helps isolate problems due to changing compiler or preprocessor options. The number of runs performed is approximately 2 E log2(N), where N is the number of object files and E is the number of object modules causing errors. This utility, bchop, is similar to CRI's atchop for isolating multitasking problems.

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1.2 Why? bchop Utility - Why?


Other Scenarios


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1.3 Atchop bchop Utility - atchop

bchop just a atchop knock-off?

atchop bchop
  • Finds multitasking problems only
  • Can isolate problem loops
  • Recompiles & loads code each time
  • Specific to cf77
  • CPU intensive
  • Not easy to use
  • Finds which modules are bad
  • Modules compiled only once
  • Loads code each time
  • Independent of compiler
  • Less CPU intensive
  • easier to use
  • Portable

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2 Binary Decomposition bchop Utility - Binary Decomposition

AKA "interval halving"

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2.1 Simple Example bchop Utility - Binary Decomposition Example

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2.2 Single Error bchop Utility - Single Error

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2.3 Multiple Errors bchop Utility - Multiple Errors

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3 Number of Trials bchop Utility - Number of Trials


Number of Trials <= 2Elog2(N)
Where Efficient if E << N

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3.1 Data plot bchop Utility - Data

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4 How to Use bchop Utility - How to Use

Compare the "good" and the "bad"

The "good" The "bad" The "ugly"

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4.1 Options bchop Utility - Options

Can specify the following:

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4.2 Command Synopsis bchop Utility - Command Synopsis

usage: bchop [-v][-V][-1][-d diff_script] \
	[-o outfile][-i infile] \
        [-C cmd_line][-c load_cmd] \
	[-l libs][-L libdirs][-O okobjects] \
        -f objlistfile

 -v              verbose output
 -V              print version
 -1              no binary chopping...go one-by-one
 -d diff_script  script file takes 2 arguments and
                 exits 0 if no difference.
                 def: "diff -b $1 $2 > /dev/null"
 -o outfile      output file to compare.
                 def: stdout
 -i infile       stdin file for runs.
                 e.g. "./a.out < infile"
 -C cmd_line     command line arguments for runs
 -c load_cmd     command to link objects.
                 def: "cc -o "
 -llibs          added libraries for linking objects
 -Llibdirs       additional directories to search
                 for libraries
 -O okobjects    added objects to link with
 -f objlistfile  list of objects to link together

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5 Implementation bchop Utility - Implementation

Written in "Standard C"
Compiles on

Heavy use of system() function

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5.1 Future Work bchop Utility - Future Work
Send suggestions (or code patches) to

Source available by anonymous ftp at


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6 Conclusion bchop Utility - Conclusion
In original task ... found an object that caused differences not even considered by user.

Last Modified:
Brought to you by: R.K. Owen, Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/howto/bchop/slides/ALL.html