(Dr.R.K.) Sterling Software Bonus

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To: RK Owen
From: Cathy Parks / George Myers
Date: July 20, 1995
Subject: Discretionary Bonus


Enclosed is a bonus in recognition of your outstanding support toward our work on the CCR contract at NASA. Your experience and efforts have contributed greatly to enhancing Sterling's reputation for technical excellence. In particular, your efforts noted below, in developing software support tools, illustrate your outstanding support,

Over the past year RK has developed several tools that have payed dividends for users and enhanced our ability to monitor what our customers are doing. In particular, the bchop tool has been used to identify problem code on more than one occasion which has led to either a fix or workaround while Cray worked on a permanent fix to the code. Tools developed to track library usage have helped characterize the kind of work being done on the systems. RK has used some of the data to identify poor performing codes using specific library routines which can be analyzed to determine if a better routine exists or could be developed to better utilize the machine. All of these tools are portable and are being ported to the parallel architectures.
Thanks RK, for pursing and implementing innovative approaches to analyzing user code problems.

cc: Personnel File, David Robertson, Dick Gunderson

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/rkowen/letters/SSbonus1.html