(Dr.R.K.) Résumé - R.K.Owen Ph.D.

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A position with advancement potential utilizing skills in computational physics, object-oriented design and programming, scientific programming, stochastic modeling, numerical analysis. Application of numerical algorithms to physical systems, and drawing upon my vast experience in a variety of programming environments and software development.


  • Ph.D. in Physics, University of California, Berkeley, granted Dec. 1990
  • MA in Physics, University of California, Berkeley, granted Jun. 1983
  • BS in Physics, University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology, granted Jul. 1981
  • Object-Oriented Programming Certificate, University of California, Santa Cruz, Extension, granted Apr. 1994


  • Worked on the following machines: Cray C90, J90, T3E, Y-MP, X-MP, Cray-2, IBM SP2, Sun, SGI, DEC workstations, DEC VAX 11/780, 8600, PDP 11/45, 11/70, PC x86 clones.
  • Experienced in the following operating systems and applications: UNIX (BSD & SysV), Linux, UNICOS, CTSS, VMS, PC DOS, GEOS, Windoz 95.
  • Programming in Std C, Posix, C++, Fortran 77, Fortran 90, BASIC, YACC, Lex, AWK, Tcl/Tk, Perl5, m4, sh/csh scripting, SQL92, Oracle SQL*plus & PL/SQL, and some assembly, with familiarity with HTML, PHP4, X-windows and PostScript.
  • Knowledgeable in Object-Oriented programming, design and methodology, and various Unix programming tools.

Work Experience

  • Sep 1996 - Present Computing Systems Engineer - National Energy Research Scientific Computing (NERSC)
    • One of the lead software developers and coordinators for NERSC Information Management (NIM) system. The NIM Central Account Management (CAM) Client/Server developer with over 20,000 lines of code. A key member of the NIM database architect team.
    • Often called upon, on behalf of NERSC, for specialized software projects.
    • Was responsible for installation, testing, documentation, training, and use of physics applications on behalf of the user services
    • Software project leader for the User Services group - was responsible for general software installation, testing, documentation, and establishing software acquisition and retirement policies.
  • Jan 1991 - Aug 1996 Consultant - Sterling Software - NASA/Ames Research Center
    • Responsible for installation, testing, documentation, training, and use of mathematical packages on the Aeronautics Consolidated Supercomputing Facility (ACSF) and Numerical Aerodynamic Simulation Program (NAS) Cray supercomputers (Y-MP, C90) and IBM SP2 160 node parallel machine for Sterling Software, a contractor for NASA/Ames Research Center.
    • Proposed, developed, and taught courses on numerical methods for computers covering such topics as: computational precision and accuracy, Chebychev polynomials, function and B-spline interpolation, FFT, wavelet algorithms, and fuzzy logic. These courses were well received by the participants as were the courses I taught regarding Cray Fortran vectorization & optimization, and math libraries.
    • Developed several tools for using and monitoring subroutine libraries in a UNIX environment. This allowed detailed information concerning math library usage for the first time.
    • Wrote a debugging utility of 2500 lines of code that isolates which program modules are producing erroneous results. It is mostly used to isolate which modules are adversely affected by compiler optimization options.
    • Wrote a work-duty scheduler program based on the Monte-Carlo Metropolis algorithm (5000 lines of code). This scheduler aids with scheduling any number of consultants with individual constraints.
  • Jun 1984 - Dec 1990 Graduate Research Assistant - UC, Berkeley
    • Performed doctoral research in Monte Carlo solutions of electronic Hamiltonians for small alkali metal clusters at the University of California, Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory.
    • Formulation of specific research goals, familiarity with current literature, development of computational research tools on various machines and system environments (e.g. Cray-CTSS, VAX-VMS, PC-DOS, UNIX), analysis and evaluation of results, presentation of results to research groups and conferences, and preparing documentation and publication.
    • Wrote a 11,000 line vectorizing Fortran code (30% comments) and a dozen or so associated programs in Fortran and `C'. These codes allowed quicker analysis and larger molecular systems than previously attempted.
    • Other duties included training and supervision of undergraduate assistants and beginning graduate research assistants, coordination of efforts amongst peers, recommendation and maintenance of system configurations.
  • Summers 1982 & 1983 Graduate Research Assistant Technician - Accelerator Technology Division - Los Alamos National Laboratory
    • Work involved the research of staggered-tuning in linear accelerator design to decrease the overall beam dispersion and emittance; thereby, increasing the peak particle flux at target.
    • Other work included the design and development of a linear accelerator cost database to minimize total projected lifetime expenditures, considering construction and power consumption for a given RF tube component and design specification.
  • Jun 1979 - Dec 1980 Nuclear Physics Data Analyst - University of Minnesota
    • Responsible for nuclear scattering data acquisition and analysis at the Clinton P. Anderson Meson Physics Facility (LAMPF) and data analysis at the Univ. of Minnesota for the dept. of Physics nuclear research group.
    • Accomplishments were the exhaustive analyses of 208Pb, 24Mg, 19F, 182W, 184W, 186W and theoretical fits of 208Pb.
    • The work included design and implementation of data handling and plotting systems to aid in theoretical studies.


Commendation Letters


Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
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