(Dr.R.K.) Special Symbols - Index

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All these symbols are invoked from within the _SYMB( ) macro.
for example: _SYMB(pi) will display

Most everything is at 20pt size and was generated with xfig, cropped & reversed with xv, and the background was made transparent with giftrans. However, the foreground color is black.

These symbols are a simple and useful hack until the time when HTML fully supports math equation typesetting in a form similar to LaTeX. The problem with using these gifs is that all the symbols are place flush with the output line ... there's no concept of descenders like the letter g or y.

The entire collection of gifs can be downloaded.

Del alpha Alpha
box beta Beta
di gamma Gamma
PROD delta Delta
Prod epsilon Epsilon
prod zeta Zeta
SUM eta Eta
Sum theta Theta
sum iota Iota
UNION kappa Kappa
Union lambda Lambda
union mu Mu
Subset nu Nu
subset xi Xi
notsubset omicron Omicron
Superset pi Pi
superset rho Rho
empty sigma Sigma
member tau Tau
approx upsilon Upsilon
noteq phi Phi
ge chi Chi
le psi Psi
similar omega Omega
exists varomega vartheta
forall varphi varzeta
therefore para perpen

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/images/symbols/index.html