(Dr.R.K.) HOWTO - 2x2 - badly counted

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So instead of the full 3x3 Sudoku, let's examine the smaller and more tractable 2x2 sudoku, and start with the base solution and adopt a 0-based index labeling:

              0 1   2 3 <- columns
              a b   c d <- internal labels

       w 0    1 2 | 3 4
       x 1    3 4 | 1 2
       y 2    2 3 | 4 1
       z 3    4 1 | 2 3
       ^ ^
       | rows
    internal labels

The set of operations are listed as the following where the operations are also assigned a 'bit' and the order of operations are performed from top to bottom (or from least value to greatest). This then gives each generated solution a "value" and permutation, where the permutation is of the symbols "1234".

Operation Bit Value Explanation
swapRwx 0x01 swap rows 0 and 1
swapRyz 0x02 swap rows 2 and 3
swapCab 0x04 swap columns 0 and 1
swapCcd 0x08 swap columns 2 and 3
swapBR 0x10 swap block rows
swapBC 0x20 swap block columns
swapT 0x40 transpose around main diagonal

The number of different combinations becomes:
(2 x 2 x 2) x (2 x 2 x 2) x 2 x 4! = 27 x 4! = 3072

However, we shall find that this overcounts the number of solutions that can be generated by these operations by a factor of 16, and does not generate solutions that include the Christian Baune "flip".

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/howto/sudoku2x2bad.html