(Dr.R.K.) Conversion Stories - Jan Lindow

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Jan Lindow, was baptized July 1995, and is currently serving as the Relief Society (the women's organization) President and has served as the Cambrian Park Young Womens President. She wrote this sometime in 2002.

Baptism and Conversion

My introduction to the beliefs of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day saints began when two missionaries were in the kitchen one Saturday morning when I returned to the house. These two young men became rather involved with our family for the next few months.

At first they asked simply "Do you believe in Jesus Christ?" That was pretty easy. Next they asked if they could come back just to talk or help out with anything that needed to be done around the house. Little did they know what they were asking? Eventually they helped take the old roof off the house.

Yes, I believed in Jesus Christ. I was raised Lutheran as a kid in Sacramento. After moving during the summer before 6th grade my family didn't attend church regularly. Fred and I didn't attend church. Religion was not a topic we ever discussed. I had been taking our two younger boys to church on Sundays as part of the Awana group they went to on Friday nights. From that I realized I wasn't doing the boys any favors by not introducing them to religion to give them a basic understanding of God and the Bible.

When the missionaries asked about starting the discussions I was leery. I didn't want to add any more to the weekly schedule than we already had. Life seemed full enough. Little did I know how empty it really was. We started the discussions and what fun we had. Tucker Repass joined in with our 3 boys, Fred and myself. It took us 3 visits to get through the first lesson. Tucker was a great addition. I was very impressed with how much he knew and could explain about the Book of Mormon I was also very impressed with how dedicated these young missionaries were to their beliefs.

When we went to church the first time I knew several of the women from a school Kevin went to. It was great to see familiar, happy faces. I'll never forget Joe Lindsey's warm, friendly greeting in the parking lot the first time we went. Fred had never seemed too willing to go to church before. We were getting hooked and I was getting nervous about it. How could we fit any more activity in the schedule?

Well, both Fred and I were baptized that summer. For a while I had to ask about terms like 'bishopric', 'being set apart', 'relief society' and tithing. All new people have to find out about these things. I now know there is a purpose for being on earth. The choices I make have eternal value. My kids know that also. Our family has been very blessed since joining the church. Joining was the most important decision I have ever made.

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/LDS/converts/jan_lindow.html