(Dr.R.K.) Conversion Stories - Fred Lindow

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Fred Lindow, was baptized July 1995, and is serving as a councillor in the Cambrian Park Bishopric. He wrote this February 2000.

My conversion to the Gospel of Jesus Christ began with a strong conviction that there is a God. I never really knew what that meant, but I always believed I came from God and when I died I would return to Him. That the purpose of mortality on earth was as a training camp for better things to come.

I was raised to believe in the Golden Rule and live a good Christian life, Although the mortal existence of Jesus was never doubted, the question of how He fit into the scheme of things was never clear to me. My protestant upbringing left many questions unanswered.

Five years ago, a close friend gave my name the Missionaries. After our first meeting, I called my friend and told him I would keep inviting the missionaries back until I could not agree with their teachings. The Book of Mormon answered all my unanswered questions and three months later my friend baptized me.

I now believe Jesus to be a separate and distinct member of the Godhead. That He has written for us a set of books on how to survive the training camp and return home to Our Father. That as my brother, He wants to share with me all that He has.

I now know that I am a Child of God, that Jesus is my Savior, that Prophets of God live on the earth today and that my wife will be with me for all eternity.

All because a good friend had the courage to give my name to the Missionaries.

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
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