(Dr.R.K.) Various Patche Files - RXVT "wide" scroll bars

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RXVT patch file for "wide" thin scoll bars. (I like the properties of the thin scroll bars over that of the Xterm style or thick scroll bars, but they're too thin for my tastes.) RXVT is an X11 window Xterm replacement that uses less memory, because it doesn't support tek4014 terminal emulation and fancy pop-up control menus.

The original sources are somewhere near sunsite.unc.edu:/pub/Linux/X11/xutils/terms/rxvt-2.10.tar.gz or one of the many mirror sites. Note that the patch is not limited just to this version. I created the original patches with with rxvt version 2.07 and the patches are simple enough that they can probably be used for most of the rxvt revisions.

Click here (3606 byte png) to see what the new rxvt window looks like with the "wide" thin scroll bars. Note the "funny" scroll directors at the end of the scroll bar. I could fix these, but I like'm this way.

There is no restriction regarding the use of this patch.

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/sources/patches/rxvt.patch.html