(Dr.R.K.) Slide Tutorial - Collected Slides

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Slide 1
1 Introduction Slide Tutorial - Introduction
Use m4 macro package for slides

Details follows:

Slide 2
1 Slide Tutorial - Disclaimer
Before tackling tutorial slides should be somewhat familiar with the macro package.

Slide 3
1 Slide Tutorial - Things to Know
Things to know (with regards to this web page information): This macro package knows the WEBROOT as

Or ../../../ (3 directories up) from this "tutorial" directory.

Slide 4
2 Start of Steps Slide Tutorial - Start of Steps
Directory ../slidetmp/ (relative to the directory for this webpage) contains the "bare-bones" structure or template for tutorial set of slides using the m4 macro package.

Follow the detailed instructions

Slide 5
2.1 Set Up Directory Slide Tutorial - Set Up Directory

Slide 6
2.2 Naming of Slides Slide Tutorial - Naming Slides

Slide 7
2.3 slide.m4.template Slide Tutorial - slide.htm4.template
The following is slide.htm4.template:
START_HTML(_SUBTITLE(xxxslidesubtitle), index, xxxthis,
<!-- _REVISION( $Revision$ ) -->
<!-- _RCSID( $Id$ ) -->

<!-- put slide contents here -->


Slide 8
2.3.1 Template Changes Slide Tutorial - Template Changes

Slide 9
2.4 Caveats: Referencing Pages Slide Tutorial - Caveats

Slide 10
2.4.1 Keywords Slide Tutorial - Keywords

Slide 11
2.5 .level - Common Information Slide Tutorial - .level Introduction

Slide 12
2.5.1 .level File Slide Tutorial - .level file
The .level file in the tutorial template directory:
# level information
define(`DIR_LEVEL',	3)
define(`THIS_DIR',	howto/slides/xxxdir/)
_DEFINE(@[_SUBTITLE]@,	@[xxxtitle($1)]@)@[]@_DNL

Slide 13
2.5.2 .level Changes Slide Tutorial - .level Changes

Slide 14
2.6 .list - Table of Contents Slide Tutorial - .list Introduction

Slide 15
2.6.1 .list Example Slide Tutorial - .list Example
The following is an example from the this tutorial

Example .list file:

# .list file for slide tutorial
#	by R.K.Owen,Ph.D.
#file			toc entry
intro			Introduction
start			Start of Steps
setdir			+	Set Up Directory
name			+	Naming of Slides
templates		+	_CODE(slide.htm4.template)
templatexxx		+	+	Template Changes
caveat			+	Caveats: Referencing Pages
keyword			+	+	Keywords
levelintro		+	_CODE(.level) - Common Information
levelfile		+	+	_CODE(.level) File
levelxxx		+	+	_CODE(.level) Changes
listintro		+	_CODE(.list) - Table of Contents
listfile		+	+	_CODE(.list) Example
listrules		+	+	_CODE(.list) Rules
listresult		+	+	_CODE(.list) Results
path			+	Add to Path
setupmake		+	Create _CODE(Makefile)
runmake			+	Run _CODE(make)
view			+	View Results
conclusion		Conclusion

Slide 16
2.6.2 .list Rules Slide Tutorial - .list Rules

Slide 17
2.6.3 .list Results Slide Tutorial - .list Results
The following is what the Table of Contents portion of the Netscape frame should look like:
	1. Introduction
	2. Start of Steps
	2.1. Set Up Directory
	2.2. Naming of Slides
	2.3. slide.htm4.template
	2.3.1. Template Changes
	2.4. Caveats: Referencing Pages
	2.4.1. Keywords
	2.5. .level - Common Information
	2.5.1. .level File
	2.5.2. .level Changes
	2.6. .list - Table of Contents
	2.6.1. .list Example
	2.6.2. .list Rules
	2.6.3. .list Results
	2.7. Add to Path
	2.8. Create Makefile
	2.9. Run make
	2.10. View Results
	3. Conclusion

Slide 18
2.7 Add to Path Slide Tutorial - Add to Path

Slide 19
2.8 Create Makefile Slide Tutorial - Create Makefile

Slide 20
2.9 Run make Slide Tutorial - Run make

Slide 21
2.10 View Results Slide Tutorial - View Results

Slide 22
3 Conclusion Slide Tutorial - Conclusion


This Tutorial was an example of the slide-making steps using this Webpaging , macro package)

Macros by: R.K.Owen,Ph.D.

Last Modified:
Brought to you by: R.K. Owen, Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/howto/webpaging/slides/ALL.html