(Dr.R.K.) HotList - Web Searchers

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  • Google - full text search of all web sites.
  • Yahoo - indexes web sites
  • Ask.com - was "Ask Jeeves"
  • Alta Vista - searches Web sites & Usenet News, with Babel Fish translation
  • Excite - groups by threads
  • Lycos
  • Go.com (was Infoseek) - just a front-end for Yahoo Search
  • DejaNews Research Service - now part of Google groups
  • WebCrawler Searching - combines searches from other search engines
  • Yahoo - Other Web Searchers
  • Wayback Internet Archive - archives web pages from the past (without images)
  • NLM HyperDOC: WWW Server of the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NLM)

  • Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
    This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/hotlist/wwwsearch.html