(Dr.R.K.) Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints - Conversion Experience Survey

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This is the survey that introduced me to the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. The Elders, that had passed this out to students at the University of Minnesota, Minneapolis campus, said that of the 4 years that they had done this I was the only person to be baptized into the Church. I believe they had just started it that quarter when I received it.

In the survey below, I also put my responses and my comments in italics. At the time I would listen to Garner Ted Armstrong of the World Wide Church of God on the radio and read their magazine the "Plain Truth". I listed this as my religion at the time, and not Lutheran the religion I nominally grew up with. (Note: Garner Ted Armstrong was later excommunicated by his own father for adultery. I no longer hear much about them since they no longer have their charismatic speaker)


This survey is being conducted at colleges and universities for the purpose of determining basic convictions and feelings of college-age students toward Christianity and religion in general. Your response and any added comments will be appreciated. THANK YOU.

1. Do you have a definite concept of God? 1. X    
2. Do you believe we can communicate with God and He with you? 2.     X
3. Do you believe the Bible is the word of God to man? 3. X    
4. Do you believe there are absolute standards of right and wrong? 4. X    
5. Do you believe there is life after death? when? 5. X    
6. Do you feel that you know the purpose of life? 6.   X  
7. Can you answer the questions, "Where did I come from, where am I going after this life?" 7.   X  
8. Are the "organized religions" effectively carrying on Christ's work? 8.   X  
9. Do you believe Jesus Christ is literally the Son of God? 9. X    
10. Do you feel there is one religion or philosophy that can offer the solutions to all the world's problems? 10. X    
11. Do you attend a local church? 11.   X  
12. Were/are you forced to attend church at home? 12.   X  

If you wish to express your answers further or discuss the above topics, please leave your name, address, and phone number on this form.
NAME R.K.Owen Address 3428 Coolidge St. NE
Religion World Wide Church of God Phone 781-6195

Please deposit this form in one of the survey boxes.

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/LDS/survey.html