(Dr.R.K.) Conversion Stories - Glen Smith

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Glen Smith was baptized 27 October 2001. He spends about half the year here and the remainder traveling with his business of flag pole and light pole painting. He gave this during the Sacrament meeting of 27 November 2003.

One warm quiet evening I was sitting in my living room watching TV and I had my front door open. There was a knock at the door. It was two Elders from the LDS Church. They asked me if I would like to talk about God's plan. I told them "No thanks." and they said "Have a nice evening." then turned around and started to walk away. As I turned to return to my chair I thought about my mother and what a hard time we were having getting someone from a church to look in on her from time to time to give her a little comfort. She just had surgery and was having a real hard, slow recovery. My sister contacted two different churches and each one sent someone one time promising to come back but neither ever did. Quickly, I returned to the door and called out for the Elders to come back. I invited them to come in and talk. I told them about my mother and what we were going through. I asked them if going to visit her would be in line with their missionary work. If so would they mind paying my mother a visit from time to time. They replied that they would be glad to visit her now and then and they would like to come and visit me also. I felt that was an acceptable agreement so I said that would be OK.

Soon there after they began visiting my mother and also coming to visit me as well. We talked at great length about religion, live, death, and all the possibilities after we die and where we came from in the first place. The entire time they were trying to focus on the lessons they wanted to teach me. They said it would all make sense to me when they were done with all six lessons. I listened to all of them and tried to make as much sense of them as I could. I must admit I was a real hard hard sell. Because of my background everything had to be black or white. I had considered organized religion and following the teachings of the Bible but always thought that I would not be able to do and be exactly as it said I must. I did not think I could live up to what God wanted me to be. A religious person must be perfect to be considered religious. I did not stack up. The Elders explained how no one but Jesus Christ was perfect and all the rest of us were just trying with all our heart to "stack up". I still was not convinced and the Elders were running out of ways to convince me. Then one night just before they had to leave one of the Elders said wait, let me give the closing prayer. We all bowed our heads and he began to speak. As he spoke I began to feel very light and peaceful in my head. I began to feel calm and light from head to toe. It felt like something I had never experienced before. I knew then that I was being touched by our heavenly father. I no longer felt that there was not a place for me in God;'s plan. After Elder Gifford was finished and said amen I told the others there that night what I had experienced, I was still having that wonderful feeling.

From that night on I knew what I must do. I had not only found religion but I had found the only true church as well. I received many more visits from the Elders and each time they brought with them a different member of the ward to talk with me. I guess they were not totally convinced of my resolve. Finally on October 27, 2001 I was baptized into The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. That was a very proud day for me and I must say I could not be more impressed by the acceptance and kindness of my fellow church members. Today is November 29, 2003 and I still feel the same way! May God bless us all.

Yours truly,

Glen I. Smith

Brought to you by: R.K. Owen,Ph.D.
This page is http://rkowen.owentrek.com/LDS/converts/glen_smith.html