JavaScript Tutorial - Glossary of Terms

a list of values which are passed into a subprogram. For some programming languages arguments are passed by value such that the subprogram can modify the values without affecting the values in the calling program. Some languages have pass by reference where changes made to the value in the subprogram are reflected in the calling program. It's the most common way for a subprogram to return more than one discrete value. Most languages support both modes.
Conditional statement
a statement that compares two values (or a function or method) that returns either true or false. The statement is either true or false.
Expression statement
a statement that performs some operations on variables or values.
a named subprogram that contains a series of executable statements. Optionally, values can be passed in via the argument list. The function generally returns a value. If no value is returned then it's usually called a subroutine.
something a loop does. Each cycle of the loop is called an iteration.
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