JavaScript Tutorial - Conditional Statements


When talking about loops, we need to understand something about conditional statements. In the "for loop" definition is a conditional statement labeled end test which gives a true value until the loop end is hit.

Conditional statements are also used elsewhere in JavaScript programs to conditionally execute a block of code.

A conditional statement has only two possible outcomes - true or false. When dealing with numerical results this usually translates in to a non-zero or zero value.

Conditional operators:

Example: work/cond.html

<H1>Conditional statements
var zero = 0;
var one = 1;
var same = '1';	/* string - JavaScript will do the type conversion */

document.writeln("==== different values ====");
document.writeln("zero == one  : ",zero == one);
document.writeln("zero != one  : ",zero != one);
document.writeln("zero < one  : ",zero < one);
document.writeln("zero <= one  : ",zero <= one);
document.writeln("zero >= one  : ",zero >= one);
document.writeln("zero > one  : ",zero > one);
document.writeln("==== same values ====");
document.writeln("same == one  : ",same == one);
document.writeln("same != one  : ",same != one);
document.writeln("same < one  : ",same < one);
document.writeln("same <= one  : ",same <= one);
document.writeln("same >= one  : ",same >= one);
document.writeln("same > one  : ",same > one);
document.writeln("==== same values, but different types ====");
document.writeln("same === one  : ",same === one);
document.writeln("same !== one  : ",same !== one);
document.writeln("==== logical operators (truth tables)  ====");
document.writeln("  A     B   |    A && B    A || B");
document.writeln("false false |    ",false && false,"     ", false || false);
document.writeln("false true  |    ",false && true,"     ", false || true);
document.writeln("true  false |    ",true && false,"     ", true || false);
document.writeln("true  true  |    ",true && true,"      ", true || true);
Slide 9