Shouldn't Get Here! Incorrect slide macro start-up_DNL 1. Introduction and Credits
2. Los Angeles Times front page
3. Cincinnati Enquirer front page
4. The World Trade Towers before
5. The World Trade Towers dominate skyline
6. WTC1 burning after first hit
7. Second airline targeting WTC2
8. Just seconds before 2nd hit
9. The explosion of WTC2
10. The towers burning
11. People caught above the burning section
12. A jumper
13. Another jumper
14. The city burning at sunset
15. WTC2 collapsing upon itself
16. Target: Pentagon
17. Pres. George W. Bush on Airforce1
18. Pres. George W. Bush addressing the Nation
19. No traffic into NY City
20. All U.S. flights halted
21. Bridges into NY City closed
22. Palistinian scum celebrating slaughter of innocent
23. Statue of Liberty with backdrop of destruction
Shouldn't get here! Incorrect slide set-up